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Date: Thursday, February 1, 2024
Time: 10:00a-11:30a
Session Title: Staying Top-of-Mind with Modern Volunteer Engagement Strategies
Session Description: In an era where social media has raised the bar for constant communication, organizations must work to stay top-of-mind with their volunteers. This requires modernizing volunteer engagement strategies to meet the changing demands of volunteers. Utilizing innovative tools to keep volunteers informed and connected can greatly improve their overall engagement and satisfaction. By staying top-of-mind, organizations can build and sustain a strong volunteer base.
Biography: Ron Segev is a Co-founder & VP of Partnerships at Vome Volunteer. With over 8 years of experience advising and working with nonprofits, Ron is passionate about helping volunteer managers streamline their workflows and making it easier to engage volunteers. Ron holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from McGill University.